The Sacramento chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers

The Annual Scion Exchange for 2025
is scheduled for February 23 at La Sierra Community Center,
5325 Engle Road, Carmichael, CA 95608

10am - 11am -- CRFG Members of our National Group. Sorry, no guests of the members at this time. You must join in advance and can easily do so online at To prove the membership, bring your magazine address label or your membership number. Without proof, you will have to wait until 11am to enter. A $5 entrance fee still applies for CRFG members.

11am - 1pm -- Public is welcome! $5 entrance fee per person, children under 12 are free. Cash only. This fee is only to attend the Scion Exchange and pickup scion wood. If you want to join the Sacramento Chapter, you must first join at CRFG.ORG

Come join us to learn more about grafting! We encourage people to bring scions in labeled baggies from their own trees. Please insure they are not under patent and NO citrus. There will be tables of bags so please join us whether you can bring scions or not. We ask that you only take one or two scions from the varieties you want. Be sure to wrap tape around those scions and label them! There will be a few vendors selling items and also tables with items that you can root: figs, berries, etc. There will be chairs available to sit but wear comfortable shoes to wander around the tables.

$5/entrance fee - exact cash please!
your wishlist
masking or painters tape
permanent marker
gallon size baggies to hold your scions
larger bag/backpack to hold your items

To be a member of the Sacramento chapter, you will need to join CRFG, Inc., (our parent organization). You can join for as little as $29 a year.

Please go to and review membership choices there.

2025 scion exchanges from other CRFG chapters

Jan 25 (Sat) - Santa Clara Valley
February 1 (Sat) - Monterey Bay at Soquel High School?
February 8 (Sat) - Golden Gate, Diablo Valley College, 321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.
February 15 (Sat) - Redwood Empire
February 22 (Sat) - San Joaquin
February 23 (Sun) - Sacramento at La Sierra Community Center, Engle Road, Carmicael, CA 95608
March 1 (Sat) - Mendocino Permaculture Winter Abundance Gathering at Anderson Valley Grange



Please join and visit our chapter's Facebook group for updates and discussions